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BVDzero Survey

The annual BVD Survey gathers information from all parts of the UK and all types of farming system to gain a snapshot of what producers are doing on their farm to control and eradicate this costly disease. This information is then analysed and can be important when it comes to future policy.

Since the first National BVD Survey six years ago, a lot has changed.

The compulsory BVD eradication programme in Scotland has seen almost 90% of holdings become negative to BVD1, while the prevalence of persistently infected (PI) animals in Northern Ireland has halved to 0.3% from over 0.6%2.

England and Wales continue to make good progress with their voluntary eradication programmes, with the expectation that these will be made compulsory.

The annual BVD Survey provides valuable information to provide guidance for future policy.



1. ScotBVD (2020) Scottish BVD eradication report, August 2020
2. AHWNI (2020) Statistics update for the BVD Programme, Aug 2020